Broadway Gas4050 Broadway Street Eureka, CA, 95501Phone: 707-442-5507 Lat: 40.77 Long: -124.19 Description: Fuel and food mart only. Limited if any truck parking. No driver services, no truck services. May have tire repair next door that can handle big wheels. Full service restaurants and motels nearby, but no idea where you can legally park. 76 fuel available Major Roads: US101; Freeway_Exit: US101 south of city Access Directions: South side of Eureka proper on US101, west side of highway. It is unknown if this Mini-Stop is 24 hour operations. Total Votes: 0 Rating Average: 0 You can Vote here Please let the staff of Broadway Gas know you saw their information on TruckStopReport.com
Pages Updated On: 22-Mar-2023 - 20:34:57